Baru-baru ini developer dari Cina telah berhasil menciptakan sistem operasi baru bernama Aliyun. Mereka mengklaim bahwa OS berbasis komputasi awan ini siap bersaing dengan iOS ataupun Android.
Adalah sebuah perusahaan bernama Alibaba Cloud Computing yang memiliki ide untuk meluncurkan OS tersebut. Aliyun, ujar mereka, dipersipkan untuk perangkat mobile berbasis komputasi awan. Sebagai langkah awal, OS ini akan disematkan pada ponsel buatan Cina, K-Touch Cloud Smart Phone W700.
Meskipun terbilang baru, OS berbasis Linux ini memiliki berbagai fitur
yang didukung komputasi awan, seperti email, GPS, perangkat navigasi,
dan internet search. Selain itu, dengan menggunakan OS ini, para
penggunanya tak perlu repot-repot mendownload aplikasi tersebut. Alibaba
sudah menyiapkan file-file tersebut dan ter-back-up di server komputasi
awan Alibaba.
Namun sayang, untuk saat ini OS ini hanya memiliki opsi bahasa Cina
sebagai bahasa pengantar. Meskipun begitu, Alibaba berharap OS ini bisa
diterapkan tidak hanya di ponsel pintar saja, melainkan di tablet juga.
Recently the developer of China has successfully created a new operating system called Aliyun. They claim that cloud computing-based OS is ready to compete with the IOS or Android.
Is a company called Alibaba Cloud Computing with the idea to launch the OS. Aliyun, they said, dipersipkan for cloud-based mobile devices. As a first step, this OS will be pinned on China-made mobile phone, Cloud K-Touch Smart Phone W700.
Although relatively new, Linux-based OS has a range of supported features cloud computing, such as email, GPS, navigation devices, and internet search. In addition, by using this OS, its users do not bother to download the application. Alibaba has prepared these files and was back-up in a cloud computing server Alibaba.
But unfortunately, for now it only has the option OS Chinese as the language of instruction. Even so, Alibaba hopes this OS can be applied not only on smart phones only, but in tablet as well.
Is a company called Alibaba Cloud Computing with the idea to launch the OS. Aliyun, they said, dipersipkan for cloud-based mobile devices. As a first step, this OS will be pinned on China-made mobile phone, Cloud K-Touch Smart Phone W700.
Although relatively new, Linux-based OS has a range of supported features cloud computing, such as email, GPS, navigation devices, and internet search. In addition, by using this OS, its users do not bother to download the application. Alibaba has prepared these files and was back-up in a cloud computing server Alibaba.
But unfortunately, for now it only has the option OS Chinese as the language of instruction. Even so, Alibaba hopes this OS can be applied not only on smart phones only, but in tablet as well.
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