StatCounter sudah mengeluarkan gambaran tentang grafik perkembangan sistem operasi perangkat bergerak selama tahun 2011. StatCounter menghitung grafik
perkembangan sistem operasi mobile ini berdasarkan jumlah kunjungan web
yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing sistem operasi selama satu tahun. Dan
dari statistik yang dikumpulkan diketahui bahwa Symbian masih perkasa
dan makin kuat di posisi pertama.
Posisi kedua disusul iOS yang nampaknya
tidak mendapat perubahan berarti, setelahnya diikuti oleh Android yang
nampaknya semakin banyak digunakan di berbagai perangkat bergerak.
Jika Symbian, iOS dan Android menunjukan
grafik perkembangan yang tidak mengecewakan, hal sebaliknya justru
terjadi pada BlackBerry, beberapa kasus yang terjadi menyangkut OS
Blackberry disinyalir menjadi penyebab utama kemerosotan popularitas
StatCounter has issued a graphic picture of the development of mobile device operating systems during 2011. StatCounter count charts the development of mobile operating system is based on the number of web visits made by each operating system for a year. And statistics collected from known that Symbian is still strong and getting stronger in the first position.
The second position followed by IOS that does not seem to get meaningful changes, later followed by the Android which seems increasingly used in various mobile devices. If Symbian, and Android IOS graphs show that the development does not disappoint, the opposite is actually happening on the BlackBerry, some of the cases involving the Blackberry OS is suppose to be the main cause of decline in the popularity of the BlackBerry.
StatCounter has issued a graphic picture of the development of mobile device operating systems during 2011. StatCounter count charts the development of mobile operating system is based on the number of web visits made by each operating system for a year. And statistics collected from known that Symbian is still strong and getting stronger in the first position.
The second position followed by IOS that does not seem to get meaningful changes, later followed by the Android which seems increasingly used in various mobile devices. If Symbian, and Android IOS graphs show that the development does not disappoint, the opposite is actually happening on the BlackBerry, some of the cases involving the Blackberry OS is suppose to be the main cause of decline in the popularity of the BlackBerry.
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