Tak bisa disangkal, kadang ‘Brand’
memegang kendali begitu kuat pada satu produk. Nyatanya, laptop keluaran
Toshiba memang memiliki kekuatan pangsa pasar yang tinggi dengan
purnajual yang tinggi pula. Tidak hanya di luar negeri saja, laptop
model ini pun laris manis di pasaran Indonesia. Jadi apapun yang terbaru
hadir dari Toshiba tentu mengundang rasa ingin tau dari
Sejak dua minggu yang lalu, di Eropa
telah diumumkan jenis dan model terbaru dari laptop keluaran Toshiba.
Tidak hanya satu tapi banyak sekali model yang diperkenalkan pada acara
tersebut. Ingin tau apa saja yang diperkenalkan saat itu?
Laptop jenis apa yang diperkenalkan oleh
Toshiba? Laptop khusus multimedia yang dirancang khusus untuk Anda yang
senang menghabiskan waktu untuk membuat karya-karya multimedia. Tentu
kebutuhan Anda bukanlah laptop biasa. Nah Toshiba A500 yang berlayar 16
inchi ini sendiri ditawarkan di kisaran harga 749.99 USD atau sekitar
7,5 juta rupiah. Sedangkan untuk model U500 dihargai 849.99 USD atau
sekitar 8,5 juta rupiah dimana memiliki ukuran yang lebih mungil yaitu
13.3 inchi.
Ada lagi yang baru yaitu M500/M505 yang
berlayar 14 inchi dan dibandrol dengan harga 699.99 USD atau sekitar 7
juta rupiah. Sedangkan untuk model P500/P505 dengan layar yang sangat
besar sekali yaitu 18.4 inchi dihargai sekitar 799.99 USD atau sekitar 8
juta rupiah.
Semua jenis laptop ini merupakan laptop
multimedia yang memiliki webcam, Face Recognation software, speaker dan
eSATA/USB combo port. Cukup menarik sekali memang, kita bebas memilih
ukuran mana yang kiranya cocok untuk kita gunakan, apakah yang sangat
besar sekali yaitu 18.4 inchi atau yang ukuran kecil dan imut yaitu 13.3
inchi. Kita tunggu kehadiran koleksi laptop multimedia ini di
Can not be denied, sometimes 'Brand' in control is so strong in one product. In fact, Toshiba laptop does have a power output of a high market share with high post-sale as well. Not only abroad, your laptop model is also sold on the market of Indonesia. So whatever the latest comes from Toshiba would invite curiosity tau from its users.
Since two weeks ago, in Europe has announced the latest type and model of laptop on the Toshiba. Not just one but many models are introduced at the event. Want to know what time it was introduced?
What kind of laptop introduced by Toshiba? Multimedia laptop designed specially for those of you who like to spend time to create multimedia works. Of course you need is not a regular laptop. Well Toshiba A500 16-inch sail itself is offered in a price range of 749.99 USD, or about 7.5 million rupiah. As for the U500 models priced 849.99 USD, or about 8.5 million dollars which has a more petite size is 13.3-inch.
Anything else that is new to sailing M500/M505 14 inches and priced at 699.99 USD, or about 7 million dollars. As for the P500/P505 models with a very big screen that is 18.4 inches priced around 799.99 USD, or about 8 million dollars.
All kinds of multimedia laptop is a laptop that has a webcam, Face Recognation software, speakers, and eSATA / USB combo port. Quite interesting indeed, we are free to choose which size would be suitable for our use, if a very large one is 18.4 inches or smaller size is 13.3-inch and cute. We wait for the presence of a collection of multimedia laptop is in Indonesia.
Can not be denied, sometimes 'Brand' in control is so strong in one product. In fact, Toshiba laptop does have a power output of a high market share with high post-sale as well. Not only abroad, your laptop model is also sold on the market of Indonesia. So whatever the latest comes from Toshiba would invite curiosity tau from its users.
Since two weeks ago, in Europe has announced the latest type and model of laptop on the Toshiba. Not just one but many models are introduced at the event. Want to know what time it was introduced?
What kind of laptop introduced by Toshiba? Multimedia laptop designed specially for those of you who like to spend time to create multimedia works. Of course you need is not a regular laptop. Well Toshiba A500 16-inch sail itself is offered in a price range of 749.99 USD, or about 7.5 million rupiah. As for the U500 models priced 849.99 USD, or about 8.5 million dollars which has a more petite size is 13.3-inch.
Anything else that is new to sailing M500/M505 14 inches and priced at 699.99 USD, or about 7 million dollars. As for the P500/P505 models with a very big screen that is 18.4 inches priced around 799.99 USD, or about 8 million dollars.
All kinds of multimedia laptop is a laptop that has a webcam, Face Recognation software, speakers, and eSATA / USB combo port. Quite interesting indeed, we are free to choose which size would be suitable for our use, if a very large one is 18.4 inches or smaller size is 13.3-inch and cute. We wait for the presence of a collection of multimedia laptop is in Indonesia.
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